Jumat, 11 Mei 2012

0 Adanya Cinta

Setiap hembusan nafasku
kurasakan betapa berat hidup yang Q jalani ini, , ,
Betapa banyak jalan yang berliku menghadang disetiap langkah Q,,
Yang semua Q lewati, , , , tapi Q tidak juga temukan titik
tujuan yang Q harapkan…..
Apakah cinta Q pda U ini hanyalah semu????
Q tidak pernah mendusta
akan adanya cinta dalam hati Q….Haruskah Q hidup tanpa byangan orang yang aku idamkan selama ini……..
Dan apakah Q sanggup untuk melupakan dirimu, , , , , ,


Maaf jK skapKu slL

tIngKahKu slL

uCpanKu slL

N mAaf jK snyumkU yg manis slLu


Gk dlu
Gk skrang
Gk bsok
Gk smpai nnti saat Q gk bs mngingtmu lg, , ,
Q ttp syang ma U
Q ttp cinta ma U
Q ttp mngagumi U
Walaupun tuk X ni Q ngrasa bngung,,,sulit,,,ssh,,,
Q ttp hrus brjuang pa Q hrus mnerima kekalhan Q ni, ,
tp mua tu Q srahkn kpda yg diatas,,
kni Q hnya bsa pasrah, ,& mnunggu keajaiban.

0 Aston Shell - Percantik desktop

Aston adalah aplikasi pengganti shell,
yang memberikan Anda untuk mendapatkan sebuah desktop yang benar-benar baru,
kuat dan mudah dikonfigurasi, membuat pengalaman komputasi anda lebih menyenangkan dan produktif.
Aston sepenuhnya menggantikan desktop lama Anda dengan yang baru,
memberikan berbagai fitur tambahan dan menyimpan sumber daya komputer Anda untuk tugas-tugas yang diperlukan lebih.
Dengan menginstal Aston Anda mendapatkan lebih banyak dari sekedar terlihat mewah,
Anda mendapatkan cara yang lebih efisien menggunakan komputer Anda.

Too much is never enough

Aston looks similar to the desktop you're already familiar with, but its components offer more functionality:
# Toolbars ((side panels on the left and right sides of the screen) give you easy access to the most needed documents, applications and web links.
# Multistate Taskbar buttons let you know exactly if a certain window is active or minimized, they also adapt to the width of the Taskbar and are thus easier to manage: no precious screen space is wasted.
# Aston Quick launch can be as small as a single button: easy access to your shortcuts without turning the Taskbar into a garbage dump.
# You can hide and restore System Tray icons with a single click or keystroke. This feature even works under Windows 98/Me/2K.
# Keep your Desktop clean: use the Panel plug-in to organize your files without turning the desktop into a dumping ground.
# Desktop icons can have any size, any form (thanks to alpha-blending) and can be animated as well. Get rid of regular limitations.
# Aston Disks and Trash Can let you visually monitor their fill states
# A built-in Hotkey Manager makes your work with Aston even more pleasant and effective.
# Much more... just install Aston and find it yourself.

Fast, solid and powerful

We've spent a lot of time polishing Aston in order to make sure it runs as fast as possible. No matter if you have a five year old PC or a powerful high-end system, Aston is always the right choice. Aston, running with its most feature packed eye candy Themes usually consumes about half the RAM that the Windows XP desktop needs and gives you much more in return. Aston is known to be one of the most stable Windows shells ever. It's even far more solid than the Windows 98/Me shell.
Do you need an additional clock on your desktop? Or maybe a weather forecast? No problems! Just activate additional Aston plugins and enjoy. Plugin files are small to download and only require seconds to install. You can tweak any parameter of your Aston desktop using a simple GUI interface: no need to read complicated manuals every time.
Ordinary Windows Themes make only few changes to the look of your system. Windows XP Visual Styles just decorate it a little. With Aston you'll get a fast, beautiful, reliable and easily controlled desktop and would never wish to switch back.

Interesting facts: The latest version of Aston Desktop with a modern eye-candy Theme usually needs 8 to 16 Mb RAM, which is about a half of flat Windows XP Desktop memory footprint.

Top 5 reasons to switch to Aston

1. Speed.
Most desktop enhancement software tools slow down your system, consuming additional memory and processor resources. Unlike these tools, Aston completely replaces your old desktop and releases your computer's resources for other tasks. Aston runs nicely on systems that labor with the normal Windows XP desktop.
2. Reliability.
Tested extensively on numerous computers Aston is known to be the most stable program of this kind. It's much more stable than competing programs and even the native Windows 98 and Me desktop.
3. Power.
Whether you have Windows XP or Windows 98, Aston runs smoothly on any system, providing you with additional toolbars, launch panels and other useful components, allowing you to get more control on your system.
4. Beauty.
Aston looks great out of the box and if you want more, you can get free Themes from our Themes section or one of numerous related sites. You can change the look and feel of your Desktop with few mouse clicks.
5. Flexibility.
Create your own desktop and make it look and behave the way you like. That's the main idea behind Aston. Bind hotkeys, tweak desktop components, instal plugins, never lose control over your desktop. No wizardry here, everything is simple. Even if you're not an experienced designer or programmer, you can create your own desktop the way you want it, not like someone else does.

SC Shot

Untuk mendapat kan Aston Shell + SKIN Klik disini

Minggu, 06 Mei 2012


Dari ujung kaki hingga ujung rambutmu, , , ,
Semuanya mengagumkan bagi diri'Qu , , , ,
Tidak hanya wajah tapi hatimu yang brsih bagaikan sutra, , , ,
Dan Q ‘nggak akan sia-siakan apa yang Tuhan sudah berikan pada diriQu , , , , ,
Tuhan telah memberi Q Kesempatan untuk menatap wajah'mu yang indah, , , , ,
Ingn Jiwa dan raga ini U yang Memilikinya,,,,,,,
Dan sampai kelak nanti Tuhan pula yang akan mengambilnya darimu............
Dan Q berharap cinta Q padamu tidak'lah semu, . , , , ,